We are the interdisciplinary team of Machine Learning Experts and Medical Doctors who want to automate diagnosis of lung diseases. We prepared the largest Polish database of pulmonary cases to train diagnosticians and to create automated solutions to assist them. Our aim is to implement explainable and reliable tools using artificial intelligence.
We create tools to support radiologists with automated diagnosis of lung disease.
We created the largest database of cases of patients with pulmonary diseases in Poland.
We deliver high-performing, fully explainable and reliable machine learning solutions.
In the first stage of our project, we cleaned and processed data related to lung diagnostics provided by Polska Grupa Raka Płuca and Banacha Hospital in Warsaw. As a result, we created the largest database in Poland, containing:
2-dimensional images of chest area used in diagnosis of various chest conditions, lung contents and nearby organs.
3-dimensional data providing highly detailed images of chest area, which allows to create different lung projections.
Supplementary tabular data describing patients’ conditions, history, diagnosis and other medical parameters.
Additionally created masks that show specific spots in an image which are important for the diagnostic purposes.